Angara the end



  • Jeron gets his certificates.
  • Jeron was suspected in an old lady's murder case
  • Officer and team starts an investigation and declares Jeron as innocent
  • Jeron goes back home
  • The officer goes on rounds during night and notices someone suspicious and in the action of following him he falls unconscious.

After a while officer woke up in his office room. In front of him was Jeron sitting in a black hoodie. It was 
Jeron who was running towards the old lady's hut. Officer warned him not to enter the crime scene again because it might push him into new problems. Jeron explained the officer about what he found inside the hut and how did the officer fall unconscious.

Jeron's explanation

Jeron entered the hut, everything was normal and there were not many properties inside the hut except a vessel to cook and an earthen pot. Jeron thought he would find at least one clue but after exploring everything clearly, he found an old trunk box which had few coins, few strands of hairs, some strange jewelry lying under the box, and surprisingly Ranganath's passport size photograph. After going through the box Jeron felt that whatever the tribes explained about her might be true. That mess looked something related to black magic.
But what was Ranganath's photograph doing doing there puzzled him.
Jeron explained the officer that he was tranquilized by a sedative in a dart which made him unconscious.

the next day

the next day morning Jeron and officer decided  to have a word with Ranganath very casually and started trying to get information about his family. Ranganath said he was an orphan and also said that he was brought up in an orphanage since his childhood. The officer walked away from that place silently. Ranganath seemed to look terrified when he was questioned about his family. An hour later Ranganath was called to the station where the whole team investigating the case was ready to interrogate him. Ranganath was constantly questioned about his family. Throughout the interrogation, he gave the same answer which he previously did. The officer lost his patience and shouted on Ranganath not to lie. He opened the trunk box and showed him his photograph. Ranganath had no idea how and when his photograph was taken. He then asked the officer to confirm it from the orphanage whether he was brought up by them. Officer gets it confirmed and which happened to be true. But the question "why is Ranganath's photograph inside the trunk box? " is still eating up his mind.

That night everyone left to their places. The officer was still thinking about the case mystery. Officer flipped through the photographs taken during the case investigation from the beginning with a hope that he could find any clue. while looking through the photographs he noticed something familiar with the tribal kid's ornaments. Those almost looked like the one he found in the trunk box. He started suspecting the tribals. The next day officer called upon Jeron to know about what was the reaction of the kids when they saw  him for the first time. Jeron told him that they were running in a hurry as if they did something wrong. So at that moment, he thought it was those kids who pushed his bike into the pit.

Jeron's explanation made it much more clear that the tribes might have done this. Officer along with his team reached the place where these tribes lived. The place seemed to be silent and everyone was staring at the police as if they are going to attack them. The officer ordered the police to point their guns at them. 

"hold on officer..............."
 A very old voice came from his back.It was the tribe head dressed like a superior to the whole tribal group. Officer ordered Ranganath to take him into custody until the investigation ends. Officer and Jeron started their investigation from the tribal head's place. The old lady's death was still a mystery. It's clear that the tribes have killed her but the only thing which has to be confirmed is the reason to assassinate her.

tribal head's interrogation

Officer and the team started the interrogation, initially, the head  hesitated to answer to their questions but later when his people were beaten up he started answering. The officer asked him about the reason to kill the old lady and how did they plan this. The tribe head started his answer with the history of the Angara.

History and answer

Angara is our place. our ancestors have been ruling this forest since ages. we used to lead our life happily until the modern civilization came into picture. people started cutting down forests and occupying our lands on which we relied for food. Angara village was built on our ancestors graves.
we felt painful when unknown people started destroying our resources.
And regarding the old ladies death, we did it intentionally because it's a part of out ritual. we sacrifice a human every year in the name of our ancestors. we believe that our god will give us immense fortune if we do so. we have been doing this since ages but this time we couldn't cover the death because we thought Jeron has seen us doing so. To misguide the case we first planned to insist that Jeron did it but later he was declared innocent. Then we sent our kid to your office when you were out on investigation work to steel any persons photograph. we created false clues to divert the case but unfortunately our person dropped his locket in the spot. 

The head said arrogantly " this isn't a mistake at all, it's just a part of our ritual and you guys have nothing to involve in it".
For the past 8 years all the deaths which happened in the Angara village were all pre-planned and we felt that the villages would vacate the place after serial demises.

Everyone were shocked after listening to the head's answer. The officer ordered the team to arrest everyone involves in this crime and follow legal procedures to convict them. 

Disclamer : all the characters and the places are fictional, there's no such place called angara. and there are no such rituals being performed and is solely fictional.

"we have been destroying nature since ages to fulfill our needs, but we forgot the fact that we are in the process of digging our own graves. Follow any ritual which does good to the society, any ritual is good and acceptable until it doesn't harm the harmony in the society".

"save nature, save mother earth"


  1. Very nice😊😊

  2. Good one🥰🥰🥰

  3. Good message Mr Vinay looking forward with more interesting blogs.

  4. Author saab. Didn't know that you have this skill too. Good one.


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