Chapter 2


  1. Professor's body was found lying near his car.
  2. Dine's father was asked to engage in dealing with the professor's case.
  3. Dine along with his friends reach the professor's house in the spirit of inquiry.
  4. They find professor's car emblem with a clue attached to it.
  5. In search of other clues, they wander in the backyard of the house where they happen to see a strange person and hide behind bushes.
  6. Sai makes a yell then the person starts rushing towards them.

Chapter 2

Professors abandoned underground storeroom

 All four of them were stunned seeing the man. The man who looked suspicious was Alex who was professor Prakrit's only friend and a co-scientist too.
In the beginning, Alex found those guys suspicious, and he starts threatening them, tries to interrogate them and know who they were and what were they doing at professor's house at that time?
lily-livered Sai makes it clear to Alex that "it was Abbu who insisted them to come to professor's place".
Alex was then convinced with their explanation. In the meantime, Dine notices a mask in Alex's hand which they thought was a human head.
Out of curiosity, Abbu asks Alex why he was carrying a hacksaw and a mask with him.
Alex replied, "I brought this hacksaw to open the doors of the underground storeroom in professor's backyard which has a secret passcode which I don't know and the mask to cover his face in the dark".
Alex says sorrowfully that he wanted to know what was the reason behind his friend's sudden demise. Abbu shows him the emblem with the attached note to Alex and asks whether he has any idea about the date "DECEMBER 10". Alex went into deep thoughts but he couldn't understand what the professor wanted to convey through this note.
It was 2:00 am and Alex asks all four of them to return to their places and also warns them not to visit the professor's house again. But Abbu wasn't ready to give up and in fact, his curiosity levels increased after getting to know about professor's secret store room. Abbu tries to convince Alex that they would like to help him find the culprit and also make a promise that they would keep this as a secret. Alex refuses at the beginning but later accepts their proposal with a condition that Dine shouldn't let his father about this at any cause because he had an intention that the police would definitely end the case without proper investigation. After thinking for a while Dine makes a promise that he will never let his father know about this secret investigation. Dine also says that "the paperwork for the case investigation might take 3 weeks, till then we can enter the professor's house".Throughout the whole conversation Sai and Vaibhav were silent and had no idea about what to do, but they too started showing their interest towards the case.
Alex asks them to leave to their house and Alex too leaves the place and also informs them to meet him the next day.

The next day...

It was Sunday and all four of them met Alex, at professor's back yard and started moving towards the banyan tree at the corner of the garden and what they found beneath the tree astonished them. There was a wooden door covered in the bushes. Alex could somehow manage to break the seal and the security system which helped him open the doors. The storeroom had a vast area and also had a bathroom. There were broken televisions and semi-burnt computers and other electronic equipment. It almost looked like an e-waste dump yard. Dine and Sai were busy looking at the photographs lying in the corner of the room, Vaibhav was busy flirting on social media. Abbu and Alex started searching for the clues. Abbu moves towards the bathroom and starts screaming in fear. Alex and the three other friends rush towards the bathroom to see what happened. There were blood splashes everywhere on the walls of the bathroom. And the room also smelled worse, the bathtub was placed upside down and with the help of the friends they lifted the tub and beneath that it looked like something was buried in the ground. 

All five of them started digging...
After digging for a while they found a bag with blood marks which smelled really bad. Alex opens the bag and what they saw in the bag was breathtaking and there was an immense silence for a while. It was another dead body with unrecognizable face due to burns and there was another BMW emblem in the victim's hand with the same note.
Abbu rushes to the parking and finds that professor's car had both emblems attached as it is and had no site of mismatch or detachment.
undoubtedly says that "the car had only two emblems and were did these two come from". 
Meanwhile Dine gets a call from his father asking him to come home soon. And they get back to their houses burying the body back.
Alex starts thinking about the dead body and was confused about what to do and how to find out whose body it was.
That evening when Alex was resting in in his veranda and the policemen approaches Alex to ask him to attend an interrogation session regarding Prakrit's case. Alex replies that he was ready to attend.

Police interrogation...

The interrogation was done and the police couldn't get any clues based on Alex's answers.Alex was asked whether professor had any enemies in his profession career or personal life.Alex replied that the professor was silent person and had no enemies.

Sunday night 11:45 pm...

All of them decided to meet again and this time Vaibhav and Sai refused to come because they live with their parents and they couldn't make it over.Dine could some how manage to come and Abbu stays at a rented house where as his parents live in a village, so Abbu has no problem meeting Alex during nights. They started searching for any clues in victims clothes and they find an identity card which was semi burnt at the back of the victims body it was written "HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALEX".This made Alex and others frighten.

TO BE CONT'D.........

(the next chapter will be updated within 2 weeks or before)
thanks for the response and support.


  1. Replies
    1. most probably within 2 weeks.later every chapter will be released on Sunday evening.

  2. It's really too interesting.....super narration

    1. Let's your friends also feel interesting 😊 share the link if possible

  3. Really interesting. curious to know what s next

    1. Thank you.. stay tuned the next chapter will be out this Saturday and for updates Drop your mail in comments or subscribe or follow vinay_bollikonda on Instagram and Google+


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